
#1 Slower Space Chats with Molly Ella (Slow Scottish Stories)

A chat about all things slow living, carving out a creative career, Instagram addiction & more!

Hello, I’m Jodie. I write about life post burnout with themes of rest, living slower, healing and self discovery. Subscribe to support my work & to read more. Or, join our Slower Space community to access all content and the monthly journaling club!

Hi friends,

I have something that I’m so so buzzing to share with you…

Once a month, I’ll be bringing you a podcast style conversation over here on Substack! Starting with this wonderful conversation with

I’ve been an avid listener of long format audio and podcasts for years. When I used to commute to work back in 2018 it was The High Low that kept me company…

On quiet, eerie mornings walking around the empty Manchester City Centre during the lockdowns, it was listening to others chat that kept me going. 

Open, honest conversations are what I enjoy most…

So, I’ve decided so many years later, it’s about time I started having some of my own.

The theme is around alternative ways of living that go against those typical markers of “success” we’re told to keep striving for. Whether that’s living a slower pace, or going against the grain in another way, I’m having conversations that will hopefully inspire us to think about new ways to live our lives and thrive.

First up, (and, if I’m honest, the conversation that really inspired me to make this into an actual thing) is my chat with Molly.

I’ve followed Molly’s online journey for over a year now and felt so inspired by her minimal lifestyle, her Tiny Home in the Scottish Highlands and how she’s managed to carve our a creative career for herself.

I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did having it… I’d love to know what you think!

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