
REPLAY: Mid-year reset meditation & journaling

Replay & follow up from June's monthly journaling club

Hey friends,

It was beyond lovely to see so many of you at last night’s Monthly Journaling Club - There was 45 of us live on the call in the end!

There's definitely something even more powerful about coming together as a collective to set intentions, it’s certainly made me feel excited for the rest of 2024!

If you missed it, want to do the meditation again or catch up on some of the journal prompts, here’s the replay and list of prompts we went through…

If you’re watching the replay and want to get straight to the journal prompts, they start from 10:56…

Mid-year reset journal prompts

  1. Brain dump or reflection… If you’re new to the club, write whatever comes up for you. If you come monthly, reflect on your intentions from last month and how they went, did it go as your expected? What were the barriers?

  2. What’s gone well in 2024 so far?

  3. What’s felt hard or drained your energy?

  4. How do you want to feel for the second half of 2024?

  5. What would you like to nurture for the rest of 2024?

  6. Set some specific intentions with how you’re going to achieve them... e.g. go for a 3k run 3x per week - do it on a Monday, Wednesday & Saturday, join a running group

  7. What beliefs do you need to let go of to make that happen?

  8. What beliefs do you want to nurture to feel your best?

When it comes to setting specific intentions I find it useful to give myself a good amount of time to think about what it is I really want, then after this get clear on how I’m going to get there.

Here’s an example of how I set this out. I’ve been using this intention setting method for the past 5 years and it’s the best way I’ve found to really get the ball rolling and bring my intentions to life…

Intention: Prioritise my health, in particular hormones and feeling balance


  • Book in to have a blood count and thyroid checked and iron levels

  • Continue to see acupuncture and hormone specialist bi-weekly

  • Increase protein in my diet via high protein breakfast & snacks

  • Stick with daily supplements - Wild Nutrition

  • Exercise in alignment with my cycle and create a clear plan to follow

This way, I have my intention but also have a clear action plan on how I’ll actually make it happen. I write this in my journal first then create a separate place for them where I’ll be able to see these intentions and goals daily.

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I hope you’ve found this method useful! Let me know what your intentions are for the rest of 2024 in the comments!

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Until next time,

Jodie x