I was let go from my job last month and I immediately felt 100 lbs lighter. A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders that I no longer needed to wake up to stress and anxiety everyday. I was kinda forced into this situation, but now looking back I realized I should have left a long time ago especially since I was so unhappy. I feel free and able to do what I am truly passionate about now. I don’t know what is next for me, but I feel so much hope for the future!

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I can relate to this so much. I went self employed 6 months ago and was so excited by the flexibility and freedom you have to do what ever you want that I ended up with a few too many things on my plate. I recently sat down and picked my focus areas, it feels good to have put some things on the back burner.

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I know for me it can be hard to let go of things but what comes in its place is so much brighter. Lovely post! ☀️🌷

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So much power in making space and clearing away the ‘no’ from our lives. Always takes a bit of a leap but in my experience so much richness comes from it xx

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I found myself nodding along to everything here because I’ve been feeling much the same! I need to find a new rhythm as I’ve found it hard to keep on top of life and work lately…largely due to illness and tiredness. Switching off and choosing rest has been hard.

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2024 is definitely the year for this! For me personally, and also for so many others I hear and read about, there is a movement towards letting go of things that no longer bring me joy. The first way I did this was to leave a job that no longer gave me purpose and with this step I'm out in the great unknown. No clear direction for what comes next, but first is rest, healing, slow days and balmy evenings on an adventure in France 🇨🇵 Next? Not sure, but I know that it needs to fill me and my cup right up. Thank you as always for sharing your words to inspire others to share theirs x

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So much of this resonates, Jodie. I've been running a freelance/contract business for the last 12 years - and the last 12 months have been the hardest year yet with very few clients and projects coming through. I'm EXHAUSTED and have been in the process of stepping away from self-employment and exploring working for a company again OR pivoting into another business. This has had its own challenges in the current environment and I'm reaching burn out and forgetting who I am. SO, I'm also pressing pause and taking myself back to Australia for the month of May which I'm stoked and super grateful to be able to do. It's a great reminder about the journalling too. Would love to hear more of your stories <3

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