I really started to embrace hobbies, doing things only for the pleasure of doing them, in 2020. I started with watercolour painting, then moved to acrylics. These days I’m enjoying the quiet, mindful practice of needle felting.

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Gorgeous, all of those sound so calming and grounding! There's so many wellbeing benefits

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Love that! I found we are so easily convince to try and monetise any hobby we might be interested in nowadays... Going on maternity leave for the first time and finally being forced to take a break from a work mindset allowed me to embrace a simple hobby just for the joy of it. The pressure of not having to broadcast it everywhere is also a huge relief!

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Jodie, this is such a beautiful and needed reminder to embrace hobbies! Up until very recently, my "hobbies" consisted of so much of what you mentioned – the endless scroll sessions, self-help books on heavy rotating, always "getting ahead" on work in my business. I grew frustrated that I never felt rested after engaging in this sort of downtime, but in hindsight, it wasn't really downtime at all.

I've recently realigned with what hobbies look like in my life and have enjoyed learning how to press and preserve flowers and even made my first batch of homemade apple butter tonight! These hands-on activities are such a salve for the soul. Thank you for sharing ❤️

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Sounds like we're similar Lindsay (and probably why we were both drawn to living slower!). So good for the soul, and really, for me atleast a large part of what life is about!

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I'm a knitter and although I love it as a hobby, it's also my work. I think I'm in need of a new creative hobby to be honest. One that I can do to switch off from work

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The same happened with me for blogging, now it's part of my job and I just never replaced it up until recently. I found it hard when it became my work because there's pressure on it then from a financial/ business sense. It's definitely helped me having something different alongside it, if anything I think it's bought some of the joy back into it

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Hobbies are the best, simply doing something because you want to and it brings you joy. I’m currently knitting my first ever sweater and I’m really enjoying it.

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Ahhh, how are you finding it? Knitting is definitely something I'd love to explore and learn

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To be honest at first I found it quite hard and overwhelming, and it felt like I had to google every other word in the pattern, but then it gradually got easier and I started to enjoy it more and more. Now I only have the arms and neckline left, and I’m so happy I didn’t give up in the beginning. Would really recommend giving it a go🌟

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Love this! Totally share all your thoughts- it feels so indulgent, but what are we waiting for? For me, I think it’s permission and I am learning I’m the one who has to grant that ☺️ I’ve been working my way through a paint by numbers and finding it so mindful. Thank you for your list of suggestions, I am also keen to give punch needling a go ☺️ I love a wee craft kit so I have everything I need and can just pick up and put down when it suits.

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Doesn't it? It's like as soon as you enter adulthood there's this underlying sense that you should drop the things that are just for the fun of it. Ooh what paint by numbers set did you get?

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Yes, so true! A friend gave me the paint by numbers, it’s the house from Up floating away. Started in August and I’m now well into the balloons ☺️

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That's also why I was very close to burn out: by not giving myself permission to... well, enjoy life?

Everything in the daily life had to be productive and useful, so why bother with pleasure... 🙃

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Absolutely, the trap of more more more!

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How beautiful!

I am slowly building my collection of puzzles and books that I sometimes like to embrace in solo and other times with family. I love that these little hobbies bring a sense of intentionality in the way I am living my life now. ✨

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Hobbies are so important - I think that's where the fun comes in in daily life. If you're not participating in a hobby, when are you having true authentic fun? I've always wanted to learn piano and would love to make this my hobby. If I'm being honest, the only reason I want to learn piano is so I can play Taylor Swift songs...but that's what would make it fun for me :) Thanks for sharing!

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I bloody love the sentiment of this post. I used to do so much photography when I was younger, but then largely stopped because life got in the way (COUGH corporate 9 to 5 COUGH). I recently went through a very similar experience of watching my husband go off to play football every Saturday and feeling sad that, other than reading, I didn’t really have any hobbies anymore. So I decided to pick up my camera again AND sign up to local yoga classes - and for me as well, it’s the best decision I’ve made in years. Having that time for yourself to throw yourself into something you love is so so enriching. I was also looking into buying a canvas and painting… but is three hobbies too greedy!!?? 😂😂😂

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Thank you for sharing this, honestly the way my husband priorities his hobbies and finds so much joy in them is what motivates me now - that's where I want to be with them haha! I don't think 3 is greedy, embrace it! You're making up for lost time 😂

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Haha amen! Three hobbies it is, because I DESERVE IT 😌😌😌

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I have struggled for years to do things simply for the joy of them. I'm in the middle of a career break and I am finally starting to do this and it is changing my life. To do something for the joy in the process rather than be focused on the result is magic

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I feel like it's a skill to reconnect with (post childhood), agreed, it's pure joy!

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Simple and magical! thanks for these!

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I think so many of us already have hobbies but we neglect to invest time into them because we're too busy trying to be productive. With that in mind though, I definitely want to get back into my cooking era 👩🏾‍🍳

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Love that you tried something new… not always easy to put yourself out there! I sometimes feel like I need to whittle down some of my hobbies. I think I have too many… But at the time I am embracing it.

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