The phrase ‘meaningful connections’ really resonated with me, for in a world of instant communication, not only are the meaningful connections all the more important, but I think we yearn for them more.

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I really agree David

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Mar 29Liked by Jodie Melissa Rogers

Mostly colleagues…it may seem counterintuitive but it feels good to be have a professional community where we are competitors but are actually very supportive friends…so we all help each other rise, improve and become better people…surround yourself with people you admire and can reach out to anytime for anything…

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Ahh I really get that, it's good to be around inspirational people and those who lift you up!

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Mar 29Liked by Jodie Melissa Rogers

Hi Jodie. I'm new to this community and your space and content already feels like a safe corner of the internet for me. I've felt what you wrote here in every sense of the word. I definitely find a sense of community and look for it in yoga classes and my cosy reading club with friends and neighbours. It's essential to connect even if in small groups or once a month or so. Thanks for sharing your experience as well :)

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Ahh Marta ❤️ it's lovely to have you here, sounds like we're similar in seeking out connection and community!

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Jodie, thank you for this piece. I resonated with it on many levels. I'm in the middle of research for an upcoming article about community and the challenges society is facing in maintaining connection. The words you share and the community initiatives you lead are a grain of sand added to the pile that will tip the scales in a positive direction.

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This was a great read. I’ve recently taken on an allotment plot and as well as all of the benefits of being outside it’s given me connection and community with so many neighbours and other local people. People have been so welcoming and happy to chat and offer advice. It’s really touching to be lent tools by someone you’ve only met that day, but there’s such a sense of trust in the community that people do it without a second thought. It’s just all really lovely!

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