thank you so much for this jodie! i always say i want to mark summer solstice properly with ritual and never know where to start so this is really helpful🩷 unfortunately it's office day tomorrow :(( so maybe i'll just stretch some of these out for friday haha

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Jun 20Liked by Jodie Melissa Rogers

Happy Solstice! ☀️ (and happy barefoot-garden-walking)

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Jun 19Liked by Jodie Melissa Rogers

Winter solstice here in southern hemisphere. Having a farm/forest gathering - a lantern walk in the forest and bonfire afterwards 🥰🌲

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Beautiful writing, thank you so much for sharing 🙏 This echoed so strongly my own thoughts on and experience of living seasonally 🌿✨

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Loved this article! I live in Thailand so it's a totally different thing living seasonally here but I love the concept. Happy solstice!

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