Jul 23, 2023Liked by Jodie Melissa Rogers

I love this entry especially the journal prompts!

At the end of last year, I left my stressful first responder job that I was quite good at. I only realise now looking back how burned out I was.

It's been a big shift for me coming to terms with leaving a career that was such a big part of my identity. A massive risk but it has paid off, I feel healthier and am in such a better place now. It was a big risk for me personally but I'm glad I had the courage to make the change. I now have a much slower, safer job that I am quite content in.

I found your TikTok page and that led me here! So thank you very much x

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Hey Katie, thank you for this comment and for being here! Seems very similar to my experience after leaving my job last year, especially around the identity shift and the questions that come up with that. So good to hear you have a job you now feel content with, I'm still trying to find a place of balance with work, but I know it will come with time x

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I love this story of reflection and I can see many similarities to my own. The connection back to yourself can feel like a long one when you don't know the destination. To keep going on your own path, following your North will always guide you back to where you need to be.

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Hi Jodie! I felt so seen when reading about your journey. Thank you for writing about it.

I left my corporate job last August with a goal to spend a year traveling, resting and then trying myself in some new occupation, eventually hoping to go freelance.

I rememeber my therapist asking me to finish up the courses I was studying back then - and I always studied something alongside my full-time job - and to take time to rest and simply be, slowly flowing through life. There are days like today when I can see that I failed at that because I still kept myself busy: even travelling cannot be counted as a proper rest because your nervous system is stimulated by all the newness around you.

Well... unlearning is journey!

P.S. After reading your other posts, it seems to me we have shared views and values which made me realise I crave to see more people like you in my online space. Community matters, as you mention.

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Hi Nika, it's interesting just how much this stuff is ingrained into us isn't it. I try my best to be compassionate and remember that I spent years living that way, so it's not going to change overnight. I've just subscribed, looking forward to sitting down with a cup of tea and reading some of your posts :)

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SO good Jodie. I was nodding along. I’ve dabbled with the things you mention but need to turn up the volume on them and / or do them more consistently.

I often find myself in inaction, paralysed in indecision. It might appear to be rest in the surface but it’s certainly isn’t relaxing. I’m hearing more about regulating our nervous system and I think this would be an important step for me. I feel like I’m always on high alert and would like the ability to dial that down.

Thanks you for a great post!

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