Jun 9Liked by Jodie Melissa Rogers

It absolutely resonates Jodie!

I think the thing most of us miss out on is to understand that a fulfilling life consists of one thing: balance. Sometimes we have to step outside of our comfort zone to grow. We just need to train our mind to understand exactly what those situations should be. It's lovely that you have recognised this. I have been on the opposite end of where you are at the moment for a while now. I am working on reminding myself that not everything in life should be a hustle or an experience to learn something out of. Sometimes it's okay to slow down and just be.

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Ahh Mansi, thank you for your comment. Balance is definitely it, I'm hoping to work more towards that for sure

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Jun 9Liked by Jodie Melissa Rogers

A beautiful post - and a much needed, perfect timing reminder to me too…to live bigger, to dream bigger, to take risks. Much of my life too has been stress filled, hustle oriented - the hustling simply a means to keep myself alive - but what I am learning (I think) in this current phase of my life is the need for balance - my nervous system needs the calm, slow but beautiful plodding of the life I am creating for myself - but my soul, my being, my mind needs that ‘edge’ - otherwise, I find myself asking ‘what am I doing here’ I am trying to work up the courage to start a Substack - to find and allow my voice to be heard - to meet myself waaaayyyyy out in the edge ! Thank you for this wonderful post to remind me that sometimes the edge can be a fulfilling, worthy place to be too 🙏🏻

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Ahh Kelly, thank you for your gorgeous comment. I can really relate... Start that Substack x

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This is a great piece, Jodie!

It takes courage to confess, not that we slowed down for a few paces, but that we rigged it all up in our minds that it was the "correct choice!" Then, we only later must admit we didn't trick ourselves!

That takes courage to hit 'Publish!'

So let me be the first to say:

"Welcome back to the edge where a wonderfully wild-ass wind will be blowing through any time now to send tingles to prove we are Alive!"

Thank you for a fabulous dark-side-of-morning read!


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Thanks so much Susan!

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I think your words probably resonate with others so much, or at least they do with me. I believe that our choices are all about balance and I am working on finding out what balances me. It sounds like you do too. Enjoy the journey xx

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Someone else has mentioned balance, and I completely agree. It's got me thinking more about how I can do small things to step into my comfort zone too! Thank you

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This resonates so much, Jodie. Thank you! Whenever I start feeling too comfortable in my life, I get the itch to expand. And in that expansion is where I feel truly myself. I look forward to seeing how your story unfolds this year!

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Jun 10Liked by Jodie Melissa Rogers

Oh goodness, this one really resonated with me. I'm definitely guilty of staying smaller under the guise of avoiding stress. When in reality I know I need to push myself a little bit beyond my comfort zone if I really want to grow - both as a person and as a business.

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Absolutely Louise, I think I've been avoiding stress with it too after so many years of feeling it

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Jun 10Liked by Jodie Melissa Rogers

It definately resonates with me, I have found myself in a similar position, since covid my job became wfh and I think I'm still in hermit mode 🙂, trying to make some small changes now but not sure if I'm ready to take the big steps yet (even though it's what I need). I think what you've done is amazing 👊

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Frankie I've been in full hermit mode too, but its made me realise I don't really want that for myself and need more to balance it out.

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This resonates so deeply Jodie. Recognising the time for that gentle push is such a pivotal moment. For me it felt like the parts of myself that were so burnt out were asking to be rekindled.

I liken my experience to that of my heart fire. Too much fuel and stimulation and it becomes wild fire. Too little and the flame dies. Harmony exists when we can find the balance between strength and softness. Stimulation and relaxation.

Thank you for sharing your journey. It feels like a really important part of what can arise after taking the time to slow down that few people talk about 🙏🕊️

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I love how you've put it, there's a fine balance right?

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Absolutely! I think that comes more easily when both ends of the spectrum have been experienced.

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Jun 9Liked by Jodie Melissa Rogers

I really feel this too Jodie! Since working from home full time at the start of the year I sort feel all I do now is stay at home. I’ve lost my sense of wanting to make little things at home special, things I enjoyed like lighting candles and having a glass of wine whilst cooking with music on. I feel I need to get out more again to really begin appreciating my time at home.

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Oh Jenna, I think this is a sign to have some writing sessions together!

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I think it really is! Let’s get something planned soon

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Jun 9Liked by Jodie Melissa Rogers

I love this. I read it this morning and I feel as though the message is weaving it's way into an essay I'm writing at the moment. Yes. We need to meet our edges. Thank you 😊 🙏

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Ooooh, please come back and share it here once you've finished!

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Really appreciate this sharing and honesty, I think it’s a great point that is so easy to forget - thank you for the reminder! I think sometimes when we are trying to do something that counters the main narrative (like not falling into hustle / hyper capitalism) it’s hard not to go very binary in our approach. In the same way that I think there’s so much focus now on ‘parasympathetic nervous system’ stuff, because a lot of us are chronically in the sympathetic, and that can be helpful but also as you say balance is so important. I also really appreciate the recognition of getting through hard things and that being part of being out of our comfort zone and something we can be proud of. It reminds me that often the hard things don’t feel like we are doing great - we never feel brave when we are being brave because we are scared but doing it anyway! All sorts of thoughts thrown in one comment 😂 thank you for sharing this interesting and important perspective

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Yes! This! Last year in the name of taking care of myself I stopped challenging myself too. Now I’m challenging myself more which feels good but it can be hard to separate a challenge you feel you should do because ‘society’ places importance on it, and a challenge that truly feels right to you.

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Absolutely Hannah, I really feel this. I keep checking in with my motive and it's interesting to see that sometimes it does lie in this feeling that I "should" do more. It's a tricky thing to balance

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I really appreciate this comment Hannah, I found it a really helpful reflection. It made me think that maybe there’s something about challenging ourselves that shows ourselves a sense of self belief? Like we have taken on a challenge because we believe we can do it and that feels quite beautiful, even if it’s messy and scary in the middle?

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I'm with you Harriet. I've noticed my self belief decline because I haven't really done anything that's felt challenging or out of my comfort zone, but then I don't want to slip back into old habits of feeling like I constantly need to be achieving to be worthy.

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This is such a powerful piece Jodie! I realised similar last year and it was a huge piece for me. I definitely needed to be in a season of retreat for a while but then I definitely stayed in it longer than I needed and now am meeting those edges again. The difference is now I can see how much I need to tend to myself and be compassionate and do the stretching lovingly instead of too harshly, as that is really what allows us to fully integrate the experiences and grow I think. I so enjoyed this piece, thank you xxx

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Very relatable and that’s why i remind myself that my goal is not slowness but awareness. Not less of everything but more of what truly feels right. Intentionality so I can see and adjust the pace. Xx

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Wise words which resonate with me. I think these things ebb and flow, so there are times when I crave absolute calm and simplicity, but others when I crave the new and adventurous. It’s a journey learning to listen to what the mind and body require at different times. Thank you for sharing this 🙏

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This resonates with me so much right now, thank you for sharing. Taking it slow is so necessary while you're recovering but after that I've found I've been left with a sort of lacking feeling of the fun and excitement. Definitely time to get those back!

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